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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - composition


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  1) композиция; смесь; состав 2) компоновка 3) полигр. набор 4) матем. композиция, произведение 5) (векторное) сложение 6) составление; формирование; приготовление 7) лингв. словообразование 8) сочинение, создание (напр. музыкального произведения) 9) геол. строение, структура fallacy of composition — ошибочная композиция graphing by composition — графическое построение путём сложения ординат normal law of composition — алг. нормальный закон композиции - amalgamated composition - associative composition - circle composition - commutative composition - composition of algorithms - composition of automata - composition of causes - composition of classes - composition of forces - composition of functions - composition of groups - composition of kernels - composition of relations - composition of sets - composition of tensors - composition of transformations - composition of vectors - cycle composition - direct composition - extended composition - finishing composition - flush-left composition - free composition - functional composition - fuzzy composition - general composition - granule composition - granulometric composition - homogenous composition - hot-type composition - igniter composition - induced composition - injective composition - interlined composition - job composition - law of composition - leaf composition - line composition - machine composition - metal-type composition - multiplicative composition - normal composition - operation of composition - parallel composition - principle of composition - regular composition - secondary composition - sequential composition - starch composition - stochiometric composition - ternary composition - touch method composition ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  композиция (трансляция программы на язык, близкий машинному) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  сущ. 1) а) общ. составление, построение; сочинение (какого-л. произведения) б) общ. композиция, компоновка 2) а) общ. структура, композиция б) общ. структура, состав; смесь, соединение, сплав 3) общ. склад ума, характер 4) общ. музыкальное сочинение произведение; литературное произведение; произведение изобразительного искусства 5) полигр. набор, наборные работы 6) мат. (векторное) сложение 7) эк., юр. компромиссное соглашение (договор между неплатежеспособным должником и кредиторами, в соответствии с которым кредиторы соглашаются списать часть долгов в обмен на погашение должником оставшейся задолженности; является альтернативой формального банкротства; используется в случаях, когда кредиторы считают, что сохранить предприятие действующим более выгодно, чем прекратить его работу и распродать его активы) to make a composition with creditors — достигнуть компромиссного соглашения с кредиторами Syn: scheme of arrangement, scheme of composition, composition agreement See: debt adjustment COMPOSITION 1) сочетание, комбинация 2) структура; состав; сплав 3) составные части – composition of matter – literary composition – patented composition COMPOSITION 1. сущ. 1) строение, состав, структура 2) компромиссное соглашение - commodity composition of...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  состав – age composition – base composition – body composition – chemical composition – community composition – floristic composition – gross composition – qualitative composition – quantitative composition – sex composition – species composition ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. составление, построение; соединение 2. сочинение (произведения) he played a piano sonata of his own composition —- он сыграл фортепианную сонату своего собственного сочинения 3. грам. производство, составление сложных слов 4. полигр. набор 5. музыкальное сочинение, произведение; литературное произведение; произведение изобразительного искусства 6. школьное, учебное сочинение I wrote a composition about ny dog —- я написал сочинение о своей собаке 7. курс литературной композиции composition classes —- занятия по письменной практике a year of English composition —- годичный курс литературной композиции на английском языке 8. композиция the composition of a picture —- композиция картины the composition of speech —- построение речи 9. склад (ума) not a spark of generosity in his composition —- он по натуре совсем не щедр he has a touch of madness in his composition —- в его характере есть что-то безумное; он немного тронутый 10. состав, структура composition of a ministry —- состав министерства 11. спорт. состав команды 12. состав (химический) composition of a medicine —- состав лекарства 13. спец. смесь, сплав composition material —- спец. композит, композиционный материал 14. агрегат; составные части 15. соглашение о перемирии или о прекращении военных действий 16. юр. компромиссное...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  book amer. тетрадь для упражнений COMPOSITION noun  1) литературное/музыкальное произведение  2) школьное сочинение  3) структура, состав  4) составление, образование, построение; ling. словосложение  5) композиция, компоновка  6) состав (химический); составные части  7) соединение, смесь, сплав - composition of forces  8) склад ума, характер he has a touch of madness in his composition - он тронулся, он не в своем уме  9) соглашение; компромисс  10) leg. компромиссное соглашение должника с кредиторами  11) mil. соглашение о перемирии, о прекращении военных действий  12) typ. набор  13) attr. - composition book Syn: article, dissertation, essay, paper, theme, thesis, treatise COMPOSITION of forces phys. сложение сил ...
Англо-русский словарь
  состав, композиция (материал) структура, строение смешивание; сложение composition of forces aggregate composition anticorrosive composition antifouling composition chemical composition concrete composition fiber-reinforced composition granulometric composition mechanical composition mineralogical composition mineralogical composition of aggregates space composition ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) состав; композиция; смесь 2) структура 3) смешивание, приготовление смеси 4) монтаж 5) компоновка 6) сложение (векторов); внутреннее произведение (тензоров) 7) полигр. набор - adhesive composition - antibacterial oral composition - antiperspirant composition - antiscale composition - antistatic composition - area composition - atomic composition - bathing detergent composition - belt dressing composition - bleaching composition - bleach composition - blend composition - boundary composition - built detergent composition - bulk chemical composition - bulk molding composition - car fleet composition - cement slurry composition - chemical group composition - cleaning composition - coal-charge composition - cold composition - computerized composition - cosmetic composition - cross-linkable composition - dental cream composition - deodorant composition - dermatological composition - detergent composition - detonating composition - dishwashing composition - disinfectant cleaning composition - display composition - DNA base composition - dough composition - drilling mud composition - enzymatic detergent composition - epoxy-amine compositions - epoxy-polyamide compositions - epoxy-rubber composition - equilibrium composition - eutectic composition - eutectoid composition - fabric softening composition - face-washing composition - fractional composition of oil - fragrance dispersant composition - gas generating composition - grade composition - grain-size composition - grain composition - hair rinse composition - hair shampoo composition - hand composition - hard surface cleaning composition - hot composition - hypereutectoid composition - isotopic composition - job composition - lavatory cleaning composition - line composition - liquid detergent composition - low-profile composition - machine composition - mean-shift composition - mix composition - molecular composition - multilingual composition - nuclear composition...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a the act of putting together; formation or construction. b something so composed; a mixture. c the constitution of such a mixture; the nature of its ingredients (the composition is two parts oil to one part vinegar). 2 a a literary or musical work. b the act or art of producing such a work. c an essay, esp. written by a schoolchild. d an artistic arrangement (of parts of a picture, subjects for a photograph, etc.). 3 mental constitution; character (jealousy is not in his composition). 4 (often attrib.) a compound artificial substance, esp. one serving the purpose of a natural one. 5 Printing the setting-up of type. 6 Gram. the formation of words into a compound word. 7 Law a a compromise, esp. a legal agreement to pay a sum in lieu of a larger sum, or other obligation (made a composition with his creditors). b a sum paid in this way. 8 Math. the combination of functions in a series. Derivatives compositional adj. compositionally adv. Etymology: ME f. OF, f. L compositio -onis (as COMPOSITE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English composicioun, from Anglo-French composicion, from Latin ~-, compositio, from componere  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the act or process of composing; specifically arrangement into specific proportion or relation and especially into artistic form  b.  (1) the arrangement of type for printing hand ~  (2) the production of type or typographic characters (as in photo~) arranged for printing  2.  a. the manner in which something is composed  b. general makeup the changing ethnic ~ of the city — Leonard Buder  c. the qualitative and quantitative makeup of a chemical compound  3. mutual settlement or agreement  4. a product of mixing or combining various elements or ingredients  5. an intellectual creation: as  a. a piece of writing; especially a school exercise in the form of a brief essay  b. a written piece of music especially of considerable size and complexity  6. the quality or state of being compound  7. the operation of forming a composite function; also composite function  • ~al adjective  • ~ally adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (compositions) 1. When you talk about the composition of something, you are referring to the way in which its various parts are put together and arranged. Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions... Forests vary greatly in composition from one part of the country to another. = make-up N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 2. The compositions of a composer, painter, or other artist are the works of art that they have produced. Mozart’s compositions are undoubtedly amongst the world’s greatest. N-COUNT 3. A composition is a piece of written work that children write at school. = essay N-COUNT 4. Composition is the technique or skill involved in creating a work of art. He taught the piano, organ and composition... N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »MAKING A WHOLE« the way in which something is made up of different parts, things, members etc  (There were dramatic changes in the composition of the committee after the election.) + of  (He's doing research into the chemical composition of plants.) in composition  (The suburbs are mainly working class in composition.) 2 »MUSIC/ART ETC« a) a piece of music or art, or a poem  (She's very fond of Bach's later compositions.) b) the art or process of writing pieces of music, poems etc 3 »PHOTOGRAPH/PICTURE« the way in which the different parts that make up a photograph or painting are arranged  (The composition of these photographs is superb.) 4 »SCHOOL SUBJECT« old-fashioned a short piece of writing about a particular subject that is done especially at school  (a 400-word composition about Autumn) 5 »PRINTING« technical the process of arranging words, pictures etc on a page before they are printed ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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